Saturday 22 January 2011

The True Narrated Televised Story



Co Hosting

Robert De Nero

And Robbie Williams

I have another task for you.....

I need all of you to view this film...from where ever you can get it, there are details at the end of the film in relation to searching out and finding the location of the Hospital and doctor involved in this recovery.....

There appears to be a top medication that can cure disabilities of extreme natures relating to neurological disorders'.....

In this ,the trails appeared to work then fail...but I noticed a floor in the medication and trail and error of the chemical medication distributions of over prescribing, and how they were testing.....

The way to have a complete cure, would be, once the medication takes effectiveness, and then starts to decrease in its' nature of effectiveness, the doctors' would then have to increase a Little of the dosage....then with the next dosage of medication, decrease the dosage, slightly by half a gram and or other, in conjuntive line with their findings',this will keep the medication at a level balance, keeping the effects of cure under control and stable.....

I need you to write letters' of protest in relation to the viewing of this film that has been aired recently......To allow the tests to begin again from scratch.....with a medical expert writing.....a conclusion of balance...stating that it may result in a stabilisation of effects and controls' of the neurological system.....Please send your donations for trails to begin...again....

These people were effetely given life...and then left to return to their normal situations of states of affairs....a life of decay awaiting death.

In added response, I would also like you to state, that when their is a normal recovery, that there is no reason why these members of patients shouldn't be allowed to return home, under a strict list of do's and dont orders, that they must follow in compliance with out-patient allowances'... Or be sent to a open hospital much like a open prison whereby they can be implemented back into general society with the help of staff.

I think that if they do this, with the correct medication of balance, it might work, but there is obviously no promise of success'...though ...I believe that if there is a slight increase and then a slight decrease, then a slight increase and so on in a patten, this may prevent side effects'...over medications of experiments in relation to the balance of neurological senses', thus effectively a cure.

State in your writtings'..that it is a response to the airing of the films and that all documentations of letters have been photocopies for legal representations for future proceedings of litigation' relation to a form of mental torture and confinement acts...when they could be sitting on top of a cure for neurological defects'...and that they will surely be liable if they do not allow the progression of such trails to continue.....

Thank you.

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