Sunday 23 January 2011

Vincent Burbeck

It is incomprehensible that the police, and investigation's team, have chosen Vincent Burbeck as a prime suspect in the Joanna Yates murder inquiry, and or have even taken his profile as far as charging Mr Vincent Burbeck, this morning, with first degree murder, without any conclusive evidences' and strings' of DNA ties, in relation to Joanna Yate's untimely death.

Vincent, a well educated young men, with a whole future ahead of him, a PHD in architecture, a steady girl friend, nice accommodations and a bright future. No standing previous convictions, no established ties of past histories to relate him to any suspect activities in regards to unlawful tastes' of sexual natures'.

On the other hand, we have a small Zionist-Jewish- Family, with ties directly to Israel, with a young woman who has links into commercial networks and Job identities, through her architecture.

Having a substantial idea of mass plans and builds' for the Olympics', with a direct hit in Jewish-Zionist Job-list community, it wouldn't surprise me in the least, if it wasn't a pre-meditated plan, of a suicide, to hinder relation ties of international networks' across the board, the likes' of what hasn't been seen before, being able to plan such a vast expansion, being able to employ millions of people worldwide, without the help and aid of the much planning and accounting of constructions and or business links', that the Zionist-Jewish-Community had before. Having been handed direct notice of no Job-availabilities', having heard through the grape-vine about the extensive plans' and builds' in relation to new ideas and other concepts', there was little chance of her ever establishing any routes', in an up-rise to a successful career, with international connections', employing all other administrations of working networks of architecture across the board, all her hard work, had seemingly been for nothing.

Having an idea, that if this was the case, there would be a sudden up-rise of economics and Job opportunities for millions of people across the board, over-seeing and putting the Zionist_Jewish -Community at the back of the list for employments'. The type of employments that haven't been seen, internationally, for decades'.

The mere fact that Joanna went to buy Pizza that night, at a odd time, with no other purchase,that is a direct code of implementing mafia ties in her apparent murder, dropping a accountant receipt, that has also, coincidentally has, a direct link with the accountants of the Jewish-Zionist- Community, that is a direct code, also, to incite, Mafia in her deliberations of effects', it appears there was a cry, of photographic imagery, of what they also have extensive knowledge in , in photography, to reach out to a business link of Jewish-Zionist-Community- to pre-warn them of up-coming unemployment's of effects'.

And that the conclusion is, she pre-meditated her own death and murder, and payed an associated hitman to do it. Without any promise of any future, that she had spent her whole life works' studying for, with employment programmes given to all and sundry across international waters of progressions and ties'...she saw her whole future slip out of her hands', and due to her links in commercialisation's', she saw the future of the entire Jewish-Zionist-Accountants and constructions and other, also go into administrations', putting them, as a first world network of bullies', running the waters of Israel at a extreme disadvantage.

Also having heard through the grate-vine...a employment scheme for orthodox Hebrews', pushed her to the fresh hold of a revenged and planned suicide.

Such manipulations, will not hinder our future plans for the Olympics and we will continue in our unilactual ties of peace and progressions regardless.

And that, there will be a full investigation of the Joanna Yates' family, in relation to the new theory of self inflicted, motivated-suicide, by mass Job-Loss and other, within the Zionist-Jewish -Network of employments and schemes' of higher-powers'.

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