Thursday 27 January 2011

If you have complaints about your NHS Managers', who refuse to listen to you in relation to your complaints about YOUR doctors surgery, please call this number, leave all your details about the treatment and or the abuse of powers of position.....the number is as follows'

0800 587 7027

This morning I went into my local surgery to make a complaint about the telephone service administrations', that don't appear to be picking up their phones in response to emergency appointment this is the fourth time and or occurrence, it is completely unacceptable, not only did the over-seer of the NHS department refuse to note my compliant down, she also called the police in relation to my response, in relation to her response of shere ignorance to re-write the notes of complaints', and thus I disputed with her about her unreasonable behaviour.

If she was doing her job properly, by taking notes and passing the details onto the appropriate higher powers', a dispute wouldn't have occurred in the first place.

Please make you complaints NOW.

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