Sunday 23 January 2011

In relation to the statements that I made early for the sky sports and other....they are my own personal opinions'...and I do not speak in awe of any other Muslim character and or religious identity.

However; the statistical facts' and evidences of neurological impulses are scientific facts that can be gathered under factual graphs of impulse related stimulus, in the human brain and activities' relation to the male gender, in viewing the female gender, generally we say it has more effect...from gatherings of statistics'......As for female gender, in relation to another female gender, and or male gender, in relation to another male gender, maybe the impulses would be significantly less but still there, as the brain and neurological impulses' reacts to niceties of all natures', as when we see a nicely decorated room and such other examples', that doesn't mean that people, incline themselves to haram natures because of such impulses that are are exposed to in a nation where it is the norm, and that after a certain amount of exposure in certain areas' of dress codes, the neurological impulse decrease with time and imagery, and that is why it is advised in the Qu'ran to cover the female and or male gender body appropriately, to stop such inner desires' of the heart and other neurological senses' reacting to those who over-see beautification's for attraction purposes'. Reasons are obvious, to prevent, the on-set of marital affairs', sexually transmitted diseases and other extreme consequences'.

And that if one is inclined to religious scriptations and life devotions of belief it is easier to control the desires that one is exposed too in relation to neurological senses'.....But neurological impulses and desires of the heart from unnecessary exposures cause reactions and stimuli in the brain as does any nicety of adult nature, such as the decorating of a room after It has been left to deteriorate and or left to pass its sell by date in appearance and or fashions'.

That doesn't mean that people who have such impulses are lesbians and or gay, rather it is the individual who has taken it upon themselves to over beautify and trigger the neurological sense.

This can be proven factually under scientific natures of graphing and other in relation to stimuli and neurological senses'.

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