Sunday 30 January 2011

Listen, we know that people across the west has concerns about this up-rising, this has nothing to do wit the west and or any other nation, in regards to the peoples' rights' in Egypt....we will up-hold what we have suggested in previous posts', of the cross over of refugees' and that we will offer advices negotiations with Israel.

As for how we will run the state, thereafter, will be much in line with how Saudi Arabia is run, and people of the west will have no concerns' and or fears' and that we will up hold our promise to that, in relation to active roles in Geneva conventions, and other diplomacy's we will take, our Que from Saudi Arabia who has extensive working knowledge of such ties and communications'.

We wish to practise our Islamic laws; peacefully, without the potential to advance on any other state of political powers', we will only advice and offer livelihoods and or protection to refugees that live and reside in Palestine that have no alternative income after structural damages and in relations to
other in pounding conflicts'.

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