Sunday 23 January 2011

It is only by an independent Israeli investigation, within their own bias commission of affairs and interests, that they rule in favour of their own self invasions on a humanitarian vassal, carrying thousands of pounds worth of aid, in awe of the destitute women and children in Palestine.

And in that; all other member states and international committees and internal affairs in light of humanitarian aid distributions', repel the Israeli over summary, of their own decision to attack a international recognised aid ship, that was bound for the oppressed, poverty-stricken people of Palestine, regardless of the ship being in uncharted-territory doesn't justify a precedents of attacks', on innocent men and women and elderly, whose sole purpose was to relieve the burden of the continued oppressions' by Israel, in relation to their Palestinian counterpart.

And in that, we have decided to call on your office to release all evidence collected so that we can review the data and other...for the purpose of our own investigation of affairs'.

Criminal soldiers and or orders' from higher powers of corrupted powers', need to be brought before the courts of law, in account of why they decided and what was the sole purpose of why they decided to attack a humanitarian convoy of peace activists that were internationally sponsored and recognised under law, to carry such supplies' into a land where people have suffered on a continual bases' since the over all occupation of affairs'.

And from their, we will appropriate a correct judgement.

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