Friday 28 January 2011

What does the media mean by, this is " state terrorism ", I don't understand, because the abbreviation is not clear.

Is the media trying to indite the civilians who have been subjected to extreme violence, abuses', governmental-imprisonments of rape and other.....extreme murders over the years'...

Do you think it is the other way around?

Suppressing the people from a peaceful protest by incitements of inflammatory behaviours from the government commissions'....with even death of some protesters in relation to the retaliations of the governments control orders'....if there is no media network the governments are pretty much allowed to do what they wish to the is a sure corruption of the citizens rights to shut down all media posting outlets to inform the world of the abuses that the people are faced with.

We know that people need help, in relation to race discrimination's...we will not shut you out, rather we will find alternative business out letting schemes, bonding of marriage schemes through religous accpetance and many other doors of releasing racial pressures and other internal experiences of countries' that have high racial discrimintory inner beliefs'...

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