Saturday 29 January 2011

I suggest that all major companies that are investing in climate changes in relation to the environment, atmosphere and other heat related admission///Algeria has vast lands , ready for new investments of tree plantations for producing supplies of paper and other...with a renewable farming.

What we propose is that we crop tree farms on a yearly bases, one after another, in rows', by each yearly date.

2011 such and such land and farms', will plant such and such relation to area mass and ratio.

2012 such and such another farming of lands will plant such and relation to area mass and ratio.

And so forth until we get tens years of tree growth and or more.

With the first year if harvest...we will chop the whole if 2011 crops and replant.

and each year after that, we will do the same initial process'.

This will then stimulate oxygen in the environment and a paper producing and other ,material producing industry.

The first harvest might take up to twenty years but once this industry kicks off it will be a huge asset of estate.

I suggest you invest in this scheme, it maybe a slow industry, but it will insure future sources of resource, create oxygen admissions', at regular intervals....

And will be rotated in a twenty year harvest one year after another of decline and replanting if that's clear

The first harvest of twenty years, chop and replant

The second year in the line the same principled manner

so if we have twenty plants going. by the time the last crop is choped and harvest the first one will be ready to go out again.

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