Sunday 23 January 2011


It is with great concern that the government in Algeria will take the demonstrations into their own hands', with limited exposures of technologies', it is vital that the democracy withdraws from the nation immediately.

They are extremely corrupted...and impose look alike attack innocent people in their homes' dressed as religious Muslims', when in fact they are from the government body themselves'.

Without direct contact and press coverage, they governments are pretty much left to do and take military actions much as they wish.

With the continuation of the up-rising the democratic-french powered and or other will have to withdraw even if it means that lives are lost...these township killings to keep the nation quite have to stop and have to stop now.

Algeria, if it doesn't happen now, if will never happen and Allah knows best.

I am truly concerned over the corruption of the government that keeps slaying the nations people, under the name and dress codes of the Muslims'...these people have lived under oppression of democracy for many years now, and know the word hush...they do not openly expose their religious identity in awe of a night siege....and that most practising Muslims....who are very religious....dress and act like Europeans to avoid such military government night sieges'....

It has to stop and it has to stop now...protest is all you can do...even if life is lost.

They have done it before.....

And claimed it was Muslim intifada...when it was themselves' as a corrupted government who sent the lambs to slaughter in their beds'....

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