Friday 21 January 2011

Of course we are not all sex rampant, here in the west..though the Bush administration did let that get out of there advices to be offered, with the new establishing Geneva conventions and other base foundations that have been arranged, there sure is......

Satanic clubs'....

For the benefit of the American people....Do what?

They practice the art of witch craft and what?

Sacrifices'....and what?

Blood drinking.....and what?

Murder of animals and human sacrifices'....

Hang on a minute, the youth that agree to be sacrificed at the hands of cults'.....Oh I suppose that makes it ok then, does it?

Should there be an automatic ban on such establishments bet ya.

Why should there be such a ban ?

Should there even be a justified answer ?

With such clubs breeds' what ?

A manipulation of the perceptions of realities'......

When this occurs...what then are the effects'....

The effects of a distortion of reality can trigger paranoia....

What is paranoia famed for ?

A state of destructive personality disorder, that can do what ?

That can cause significant harm to residence, neighbours, children and other associated members of their community, where these known satanic worshipers reside and or live.....How?

Have you ever lived, resided, and or had experience with a multi-personality-disorder....Are these individuals unpredictable...?

Oh Yes....

It is a known fact, that such organisations'.....participate in suicide packs....and encourage and or write in page documentations of joining of sites that are associated with such distortions of perceptions'....the ways and hows and or means to in act a suicide, with certified advices'......of how, what to use and how not to implement anyone in the suicide....

The effects of such clans' and or gangsters of satanic groups' are devastating for families who have brought and worked hard to establish good foundations of installments in their youth, only to see all their hard work and love be washed away within a matter of seconds'.

The psychological impact of satanic members of the community in relation to religious neighbours and or old couples that are from traditional backgrounds of stability's have dire consequences, leaving neighbours disturbed...for days'...weeks...months....years...and or other...of what either leads to trouble.....arrests and or other moving away from a residential area that the innocent victims have resided in all of their lives', only for the council and or irresponsible homeowners that decide money is better then the insurance of their neighbours safety......

With the increase of such clubs and other associations of networks'....we have seen a satanic associated death and ritual murders of sacrifice all across the board of the American waters, whereby these cultures of distortment are vast and wide spread......

Licences should be revoke on the promise that these clubs hold a substantial threat to the mentality of relation to compliance with sacrifices and other....that they have helped increase crime rates and have had a significant impact on this fatality rates, of murder and other distorted and disturbed personalities of disorders that have left relatively normal people in their formal lives', institutionalised for psychiatrist needs....and other ....

Do we as Muslim have these extreme rituals of Satanism'

We do have people that practise the art of ignorance of their own religion...but it is no-way as devastating and impactious as what is witnessed in America and or other states that allow and permit such practises'...that have seen...the wide spread and unsought of suicide packs and human sacrifices and can these actions of allowance that lead to other murderous consequences be classed as indirect murder?

Revoke licences......I am sure there are more enlightening businesses' that are ready to invest in empty spaces'....

What will happen if you revoke satanic licences'?

The chances are...the numbers of people associated in such clans will dwindle...they Will become inner....home based and not as wide spread...with the availabilities of mass open spaces' practice and or arrange such crimes of indirect murders and or others'.....

In that, we will see a few murders'...and sacrifices in retaliations to the new laws imposed...however, with the enactment...the chances are..that murder and human sacrifice will drop 15% in the first half of the year and decrease on a regular bases' thereafter, until there is only a quarter of the cult left....with lessor crimes and or deadly impacts in society on the whole.

Most of the time people participate in such affairs because it gives them a social outtlettng....because they have social issues of engagements within the normal standing community....however with on-site counsellings in college and other....supportive friendships can be arranged with out the pupil and or student knowing..thus keeping them on tract and bringing them out of isolation's'.....

Well its your choice...your country, your people.....

And no..because things happen in the open...don't mean that there is a regulated control over what is planned outside the premises'. of such gatherings'...and that it is better not to have such clubs for everyone knows is better then a cure that can not be found.

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