Monday 24 January 2011

What does a female referee, for a male football team, wish to prove ?, it seems pointless.



Egotism trip!

Benefiting who ?

Lesbians ?

And or only lesbians ......?

A small female-working with men of huge-physical-stature, in a sport that flourishes on the male chemical-TESTOSTERONE, in a male dominated arena, What do you think will happen, again and again, and again...crying rapes'....and other manipulations of women's' liberation a male dominated arena, we have seen it time and time over, with male etiquette's of behaviour, heated arguments of debatable violence that can irrupt at any given moment of period of time.

It has been recorded time and time again, that male footballers contervinning the referees, on the spot decisions, have led to outbursts of outrageous violence and even unprecedented attacks.

If a woman referee is attacked by her male-counter-part, SHE WILL DIE. There is no two ways about that.

And that, in placing a woman on a field of men is shere stupidity, and that feminism's should be kept in the female arena, of female football, whereby women are of the same temperaments and counter-strenth as their female gamers'.

What will happen, when she is sent aboard in the stifling heat that causes mens, temperaments to flux and heated reactions of spontaneous violence, to break out in irrational behaviours..that could result in court hearings and battles of assaults', losing vital players of great persona and credits'.

A complete waste of time, monetry funds and energy.

And that two commentators who are not used to regulating a match with a female added admittance and therefore should be reprieved for lack of education in speech tactics of renewals'....for if the game is renewed in this manner, doesn't that mean there will be extreme other renewals that will cost more money of training and re-trainings'.

And that. What did she expect ? And that, why should two credited commentators lose their job on the first day of introduction, 'a female ref'? Two commentators who have been a credit to football for a number of years' for a singular girl/woman.

She shouldn't be there anyway, it is a male sport, females have their own version of football that doesn't differ to the male version, and that, with this progression of feminism's', top jobs will be lost and vast sums of investments in players, because of remarks and or abuses that may not be quite as acceptable in light of a host of referee status.

Her life is at risk....and no risks of this nature should be tempered with.....In light of a sports activity that is mere entertainment......It is a high-man's sport, and integrations, is not possible in this area, and shouldn't even be attempted and or allowed, if is not a gentle sport.

We dont have females competing against male runners and what such...simply because even the fastest and strongest of the same physical stature of bodily weighting , wouldn't be able to outrun their male couter-parts and that is a fact from records and graphings'.

And thus we say the same with football,.

The feminists won their day, when they won their Rights to host female football ...

The point is?

There is no point....

Or I don't get it.....

Do they wish to incur death, by throwing fresh bait to hungry lions', and don't let me tell you I didnt let you know...

What is it that these ladies/""men""

Don't get.....

DO they wish for me to be crude......Do they know what it is to live with a functioning dick.

The answer is simply NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!

And as much as they try to be men......the answer is simply, they are NOT!!!!!

And don't let me state this again, these views are my own.....and I do not implement any other person in my thought and or freedoms of liberty and speech.

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