Friday 21 January 2011

For the benefit of the Muslims', we know that in the Qu'ran, it states clearly, not to allow non believers and or non Muslims', to eat our food produce, but the non Muslims, also have extreme problems with dietary and other imports that have been modified, that causes diseases and unknown illnesses, yet to be discovered, so in that, we will is better to have a food industry exports' of good vegetables and wheat's, bread and flours'...we will leave the meat out of this....then to have a enforced colonisations programme, whereby non Muslims will be eating the food anyhow....

So; the ruling, would full into the category of.....a lessor prevent a bigger wider spread of extreme Harams'.

By that, we will say...a colonisation will cause the same effective freedoms of democracies that will lead onto a huge state of failures' seen in the west, with wide spread murders and other.....

However; with the agreements set for the Olympics and security measures and profile support of neighbours', with signed contracts, there will be a rehabilitation's programmes' of mannerisms'......of what we, as the west, need.

And of course, Britain, for a western country, has more controls and state well-fares and controls of the people, then other democratic countries'...and that, in this..with similar implementations...we will say... that is why we are seen as an example and advisory for other democratic countries that have seen a failure and floor in the rights of democracies and freedoms for all.

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