Monday 31 January 2011

All the rights of the people, and the negotiations have been made, there is no more democratic values and or principles more then these dialogues that have been posted.

If these demands are not met by the call of the people, then it is clear that there is no democracy, and that the powers are corrupted.

The people wish for Islamic state control under set terms of agreements', whats more easy to understand then that.

You are again oppressing the people...what we will do is gain access to a building and set up our own Parliaments of Independence....and state controls', and run separated alliances of contraction's with small aviation business to links and other.....and by pas all regulatory illegal laws imposed by a bias government who refuses to give the people their current Democratic rights of the call to a solid leadership of their choice, and what you are doing as a governing body is now classed as another illegal occupation..

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