Sunday 30 January 2011

This is all very well, propaganda ploys against the native Egyptian people, who are in the middle of a disaster zone that the military and police systems have failed to control after the initial historic changes in powers'.

The youth have been neglected by the state powers of controls in relation to education and social foundations', there is so much for us as a peaceful Islamic body to change over the course of time.

Remembering that most of these young boys / men are still very much like the youths of the 1970s' Britain.

You can not expect any other values from them, when their Islamic heritage has been crushed for over thirty years of powers of controls that failed education systems and other investments in social teachings'.

As in Saudi Arabia, you can see the complete difference in education and standards of living, and business ties and other relations of diplomacy's'.

It is to be expected....we understand that these young men have been neglected in a proper Islamic traditional family value of education, that of what we will be re-investing in good wholesome education and foundation of manners and other important communications of effective ness', remembering that most of these values were learnt from the tourists , drunk and disorderly taking advantage of the freedoms of price and monetary bribes of a corrupted police force that needed the wealth to sustain their families at the time of violence and other, perpetrated by loose tourists'.

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