Thursday 8 July 2010

Tarek Mehhanna

This is just another typical stereo-typing of Muslims' across the board. It is not viable to assume that Muslims' are terrorists' because they know Arabic. To learn Arabic is a must in our religion and any discrimination of such unfair treatment of accusations' should be dealt with appropriately.

The FBI asked Tarek to assume a ridiculous and unreasonable identity amongst fellow worshippers' who he shared intimacies' of valid friendships'; the kind of kinship one would have with a birth brother, or a confidential councilor. It would be a betrayal of his own religious and characteristic ethics' that he lives' and worships' by. If there was any threat to the health and safety of any member of that particular congregation and or outside residence whereby there may have been an altercation, Tarel Mehhanna would have by means' of correct conduct exposed the true perpetrators' to such an effect of on-slaughter.

But to give information of personal natures' about a member of congregation is an infringement of privacy laws' and would have surely had repercussion had he been exposed for monitoring brothers' and or families' in his presence.

By repercussions', we mean that he would have been discontinued as a valid member of the community and his credit of character would have fallen into disrepair. As a religiously ordain character who likes to participate in social circles'; in regards to talks' of faith related issues', this would have been the last option of cooperation from his point of view.

As there was no threat; he pertained his right to protect the confidentiality act, until further notice of threat.

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