Friday 16 July 2010


The physical

The mental

The practical

Actually karate training, can come in many different forms', this exercise of mental and or physical strength is ideal for those people who wish to teach stamina of nomadic lifestyle and or religious schooling of thoughts'.

Bruce lee died- I think his circumstance of death was that of foul play, due to his unique status' of mind over matter, or quite simply, positive thinking is control of your own mind.

With his unique style of thought, he was a proposed threat to other unrelenting forces' that saw his style of teaching as a direct threat; of teaching people the power to control their own minds' and thought processes' in regards' to how they handle situations' of all natures' of affairs' that arises' in their life, before and or after, subjected to review, and thus with this teaching of discipline, people were free from wordily worries' and or corruption of the entry funds' of society as they were taught that the world of perception is in the mind and that with any given situation you can always' do better and achieve higher, or perceive visualisation, of what will extend any punishments' of physical nature.

I think that he was subjected to a cover-up of suicide and that he was a unique intellect recognised through out the world as such, and that if he had stayed around, he would have surpassed all the main leaders' of the world, in his teaching methods of disciplines' and the reason why they hit him in an attack to see him off, was to slow the progression of peoples' in dependency of thinking down, to keep the world in order of control.

This I do believe, however being a persona and or individual, who practises' life with religion, it is that I put discipline of religion first, over the state of training, and karate is so much more then lessons' of grounded arena; but it does help, and together with both- is a very powerful influence of a good basic life without corruption and or worries' , even when things' are at there worst.

And that people should be returning to the original films' of teaching that inspired the children and adults' alike; to do positive-actions' and ignore all negative sides', without of course getting into debt, and by encouraging the old style films' of action and teaching nomadic lifestyle, with humor, is the best way to bring up the kids' with good rounded balance of what the world dis really like, with out all the pampering that we offer in these films' of perverse natures' with loads' of sexual encounters', and grossly romantic of unrealistic proportions.

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