Friday 9 July 2010

Joseph Daniel Maldonado

This statement of accounts' may sound distorted and or fabricated, but the simple fact is the reality of the situation; in the surrounding areas' of Somalia and Kenya.

The communities' of villagers' and distance of appropriations' of space, in relation to their lifestyle-it wouldn't have been long before someone from out skirted villages' picked the boy up and took him into care, until the appropriate authorities' were notified in regards' to the situation.

Somali and Kenya have a vast amount of disputes' in regards to; the threat they felt to their own security, once other muslim lands' had been invaded by attacking forces'. So in retaliation to the over barring attacks' on poverty stricken lands' such as Afghanistan, the Somali population- directly pin-pointed the authoritarian forces' as a direct threat to their well being, because they have direct links' with outside communications' of forces' that on the whole were more disastrous in effect then helpful. Now we have this rift between the two co-existing society that has broken all trusting ties' with the authorities in regards' to the links' they have with the outside police communities'.

However; the fact remains' that an injustice has taken place, with a migration of a family that was also caught up in the cross-over of affairs', in regards' to the operations' that were taking place in countries' elsewhere.

There is still hope, with corruption rife in Somalia that his wife may still be well and detained as a war prisoner, and or held captive amongst the barren lands' within Somalia, it would be impossible to communicate without access to any technologies'.

We tend to disassociate ourselves' from such actual accounts' as we have not been subjected to the lifestyles' and or diverse cultural differences' that are undertaken due to poverty and ways' of life-in other lands' that we can not identify with.
It is with this; that he should be released under special circumstances' of actual accounts' that the current society within which he is resident could not identify with the conditions' of and diversity of regin that he and his family were prepared to move into.

It is advisable before any move to any land of such nature, to do your history first, but if the situation of a terrorist campaign on any fair seeming Muslim arises', then unfortunately you have to take precautions' that they dont presume you as a terrorist and target you on accounts' of research, when preparing to move.

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