Wednesday 21 July 2010


After putting the innocent children at high risk of paedophile ring associations'; by placing him in a hostel unit, it will only draw more attention to him, by allowing the police associations' to be present at the named address in question.

It would be more effective if, the police were to attend a once a week review; as so not to bring his family under pressure of Inquisition from neighbours' and other members' of the community that are unfamiliar with his case.

The mere fact that he is on a continual curfew; without subject of a review, in light that he was sentence on, impartial evidence that didn't really have any founded bases', for the allegations set against him, and rather; the onslaught of the terror investigations, was done in response to the actions of a few men who were solely responsible for any attacks'. Then such curfew will draw attention to him and his family and he could be subject to unsuspecting attacks' and you could be putting his children once again at high risk status, thus with the continualisation of such methods', easy spotted by high risk profiles', who attach themselves' to such, should I dare to say it, celebrities' of unfounded criminal status.

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