Tuesday 13 July 2010

It has come to light, once again, within the unprecedented media press coverage, Under the identity and banner of the french national front, concern raised in regards to the covering of the face within the public domain.

It is without doubt that the burka has been worn in and been established in the french democratic-society of Europe under international law; for quite some time, without a respective threat. The mere fact that this issue keeps arising, seems' more of an established underhanded racism, to inflict oppression on the democratic rights' of that particular land, and rather it is most horridly an infringements of cultural diversity that is portrayed in the majority of the European lands' for the immigrants' and or people of ethnicity to practise their religious principles and or religious values' to higher extent of piousness, in regards' to the appearance and persona of the woman.

It is ok for a devil worshiper, who displays' erratic-threatening behaviour towards society in regards to his and or her appearance, disregarding the political system and or social values' of the French national politics' and or religious ordinations' of the land, who poses more of a threat to the public by extensive drug use and alcohol related issues' of violence and abusive language, but it isn't OK for a woman to choose to cover her face in the sight of; what she believes' to be, under the laws' of Revelations scripting'.

Rather the french political society wishes to degrade religious Muslim women into silent oppression, the mere fact that a mass war campaign was issued against the Muslim progeny-wasn that enough satisfaction-for a tyrant regime, are you joining a under handed tyranny to suppress people' values' of religious identity, by personal choice of what democracy stands' for in its entire entity ?

If that is the case; then you are a disgrace to the very core of the democratic Rights' of cultural identity, and wish to spread-your values' of faith and or national fascism by force of enforced orders', of what will by means' of instigation and incitement to intimidate the already oppressed Muslims', who wish to go about their every-day business; like they have been doing so for the duration of time they have been allowed to wear this religious garment of virtue.

And rather France shouldn't be allowed to get away with such discriminatory fascism, that goes against the European standards' of international diplomacy.

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