Wednesday 14 July 2010

Ezzrat-A 10 year old boy; abused and tortured by the interim Israeli administrations of authorized codes', to subsequently allow and permit such torturous violations' to occur without a full investigation of circumstance in regards' to the abusive-military conduct that takes' place under the authority of the administration, and thus the Israeli administration should take full responsibility for the military conduction's of their operative soldiers', in addition to their behaviour; on deployments' of operations' in strong hold Palestinian territories', and or other related incidents'.

The statements' of accounts are vital in the process of a summery to obtain the correct issuing' of statements in regards' to the eventualities' and or abuses' witnessed by humanitarian and other related international volunteers' , who have irrefutable characters' of correct conduction's' in regards to the law and behaviour of personal persona in society that can-not go unnoticed when incidence of accounts' are logged in regards' to the military deployment and actions' taken by the Israeli soldiers'; when on operations to seize Palestinian militants' who refuse to retreat on the pro-mise that Israel is illegally occupying the land, and that all actions' taken in retaliation against the Palestinians' are illegal at the first hand, and that if the Israelis' were to withdraw from the land, there wouldn't be any up -raising in effect to the small militant attacks' from the poverty stricken Palestine's'. And because of the illegal occupation of the land, the Israelis' shouldn't take any action unless, there is a direct authorised threat against their civilians' that are grounded on settlements' across the land of Palestine.

Children should be exempt from Israeli military operation's, as they are vunerable to sex-abuses' and or other advantages' that aggressive soldiers' could induce in such cases' of discriminatory religious empowerment's' of higher status wealth. Abusing all known laws' and reducing the impoverished children to humiliations' that go un-noted and disregarded by the authorized administrations' of codes' set out by the Israeli government; who is by-passing all international and conventional laws' of human rights', by ignoring its own discrepancies' within its' own united front of military oppressions' that are taking place against the opposing side.

The soldiers' should be called to account and brought before the justice courts' via an international and organised jury, whereby there isnt room for a bias state of affairs', whereby corrupted solders' who are a danger to all social environments', are being allowed to remain in position whereby they abuse such status by enforced degradations' of children and other vulnerable citizens'.

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