Tuesday 27 April 2010


The Palm -Olive plantations'

Palm Olive is in extreme demand,being a wonderful natural oil, and sustaining good organised farmers', who hold their businesses' more in their own interests' then that of wordily concerns. They are labourers' not academics'.

1. The first plan had been implemented, planting in rows' for cultivation, with modern designs', I am surprised someone hasn't thought of a design to fill the gaps between the plants'.

2. I would have a long system of raised oblong pots' with gaps' in the middle to allow for the sun to penetrate the soil, as so, not all the soil is completely darkened by the new potting-trays' that would stand on bamboo type sticks' for extra support.

This would double the number of plants'.

3. Damage of plants, for the through path, would be a concern, when picking, I would suggest, having small holes' in the fields' much like the ones' you would find on the absailing boards', this would double cultivation and reduce the cutting of trees' in the environment. Not only that, but the oxygen released from these double amounts of cultivation would also benefit the environment and the peoples' business.

For packaging, I would suggest everything goes' in refill bags' for products' and bottle's be sold empty, encase of future damage of existing bottles', of course the number of demand would be lessened, reducing immediate pollution.

How to do this

I would introduce the first line of production with an empty bottle and a refill-pack as a special offer campaign, as so to , get the people used to recycling, this can be done with all products across the board.

Then slowly, slowly people will become friendly towards the ideas of the refill packing system, aiming their attention at what was first suggested.

Selling refill packs alongside filled bottles', just reinbursts old-forms' of habits and thoughts of the peoples' mind-set.

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