Thursday, 29 April 2010

I propose, to help Thornton's revamp, that they retail in small gift boxes', and or small beautified bags, that would be sold on the new ports' of harbour, aviation, or air crafts'.

Everyone likes dinky.

For Belgium chocolate, this would be an ideal opportunity to host a small merger with the battersea power plant, in regards to gifts' and or experience of taste.

Everyone loves' chocolate, and places' where there is commercialisation would benefit most from an investment.

Thorntons' can take all the air craft selection spaces' of what would best industry, and Belgium industry can have retail outlets' in and around the areas' of investments', with limited editions' of spaces'. This then would allow a form of reverse commercialisation for tourism into existing Belgium.

In exchange for the allowance of the Vail, for women who are shy to reveal their identity. They may have had a very difficult life ,before turning to religion, and the only way they can hide from abusive partners', ex husbands'' and or other unmentioned things', would be to Vail. So it is with this investment scheme we would exchange, for the Vail. And by going into business with these mergers', you will be generating your own tourist trades'. Its up to you, take it or leave it, the Vail isn't a must, we are jest asking if you would like to compromise.

As for Thornton's', you can retail, on tourist boats', stalls' and of cause your own outlets', it just appears that your business is abit flat and needs' commercialisation to increase its credit ratings on the ftsie market.

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