Friday 2 April 2010

Drug harboring from Afghan-istan

Most drug harboring and or farming from Afghan, was done as a form of employment. Without or little knowledge of the outside world and the effects' of the characteristics' of opium, the work force of drug harboring had no knowledge of the illegal conduction's' of such drug use as opium. It would have been described by the drug barrens' of exchange, to the simple farmers', that the plants' Constancy was or could be used as a form of medicinal purposes'.

Without outside connective media, there would have been no way of the farmers' to be informed of the miss-uses' of their cultivation.

I am not suggesting that the farmers' had no knowledge of the effects' of the plants' stimulant, because that would then be a shere-lie. What I am suggest ting is that the farmers' were misled to believe that the drugs' were being cultivated for medicinal purposes', and cultivation for such purposes' under shariah law,
is classed as not illegal. And Afghan being at that time, led by shariah insurgents', it would have be completely permissible, as long as the farmers' were under the impression that the herbage was for medical purposes'.

Of course,like any drug stimulant, that causes' an effect of relaxation and passing-time, always' floods', it's own continent, under a black-market, of dealers', that manage to smuggle the drugs' out or steal the drugs' from the farmers'.

It must be taken into account that the people of Afghan, isolated and cut off from media connections' really did have little knowledge of the black-market for the destination of their crops', and therefore shouldn't be held accountable from the crime of drug barrens'. The real drug barrens' were the smugglers' themselves', the cross boarder, of where media connections' and other money launderers' could establish themselves', going UN-noticed, by investigative teams'. And now, it is clear that the poor innocent farmers', who had no other way to make income, and who were miss-informed of the usage, are being prosecuted for the crimes' that the middle-man should have been charged and investigated with, because it is clear that the middle-man, who can travel into the countries that path away into Afghan, knew exactly what they were doing, and how much profit there would be in it for themselves'.

So all charges' of drug herbage should be dropped against the poor farmers' who thought that their crops' would be going into the medicinal-sector of the outer world.

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