Tuesday 3 May 2011

So other faith religions' and or groups are questioning the five things stated as uncertainties'.

That is, they are stated as uncertainties, until the arising and or up-rising of the deceiver, who will claim miraculouses' of prodigies'.....over humanity, deceiving them into disbelief's', by luring of amazing falsities that will appear astonishing....surely the mark of the beast.

The rights to see the infants'-gender-sex-before birth.. and certified and or verified as a 99.99% almost a certainty, but...then there is always the question mark?, that, they, the hospitals', could be wrong, they wouldn't state this, if they didn't think that they would be liable for insurance claims', if the ultrasound-scans were completely reliable. And that they have been wrong before, there-afore, the prof that this falls into the criteria of one of the uncertainties, still is a verified-FACT, that even though they, the people who question the five uncertainties', that even these luring technologies' have floors' and that Allah is the all-seer and all knower of all things', and no one knows' better then He. SBWA.

The Death, whereby you reside at home all your life, thinking you can over throw the uncertain, already set decree of where you are going to die, then a gush of wind takes you, and or blows you away, and death beseeches you, as your thrown far from your homes' bed.

There-fore these five uncertainties have been proven to be valid.

Hurricane in the eighties', it was stated that the day was going to be mild and smooth, then London was hit by a huge wind Storm of a hurricane that swept through LONDON, this was with the use of technologies of advancing equipments'?!

No-one knows when the final hour of the judgement-day will be.

Though, people have said it, time and time again, when professing prophet hoods', to be this and that, and those particular stated days and years and or decades have passed and gone, and therefore that has been proven, as factual.

And, no one knows', if they will die in a state of belief and or non -belief.

You did not no, if you will remain a Muslim or die in a state of kuff, or disbelief.

Now, in the Quran, you have basic Arabic, that is the language of the tongue, then you have plural Arabic, whereby each word and letter, that is broken down into religious scriptations of evidential accounting's', that is the pure and correct readings' and or recitals' of the scriptures'.....

So, generally, or in the common language of Arabic, we would state, that kuff and or kuffer, of what would usually mean, to disbelieve...... but in transcripts of decoding, we would state, that the meaning of this word changes' with scriptational markings', either before and or after it, and or letters before and or after it....therefore the whole entire word in the Quran, when used in the Quran its-self, hardly ever means', the common assaulted meaning of the flexi' Arabic language of Kuff or Kuffer, usually pinpointed and or meaning, one who disbelieves in the identity of Allah, as one God.

And this rule applies to the entire language of word use in the Quran, therefore, to have a complete understanding of the Qu'ran in its true scriptational verses' of plural Arabic, the decoding of all markings and letters has to be done correctly, as no miss-understandings are formed and or suggested.....

Therefore we state, that the current translations' are invalid as they use only one form of informal-common-assaulted language.....

As we state , is Latin the same as common assaulted English.....no, they are completely different languages', but doesn't English or isn't English a direct derivative of Latin.

And theres', the difference, described in this explanation of the difference between Latin and English, but English is a direct derivative of Latin?

But the two are completely what?

Different, and Latin is what?

A derivative from what?

From Authenticated Hebrew.

And Hebrew and Latin are what? Completely different languages',but derive from the same, very source, therefore we can state, with verified facts', that common assaulted Arabic, is not the correct decoding and authentic transcripted-and or translated meaning of the Quran, and even the Arabs will tell you this them- selves', as the Quran is extremely complexed in literature of eloquence's', that not just anybody can be credited to decode its very essences' of fragrance of beautiful authenticated meanings', that are the correctional revelations' from a raised station of humbling-prophetic- personality or chosen prophetic personality with valid representations', trustworthy in actions' that coincide with the scriptations of the Qu'ran and the full meanings' of taffseer, whereby no religious laws' are broken, when other essential classified misdemeanors are recorded to entrap, but are used by the chosen rep, as a tool of self defence, preservation's
and or other..........therefore, no religious boundaries are broken, when using the complexities of the rules of the Qu'ranic Mercies of the Qu'ran its-self.

There-fore to state, there are hundreds of thousands of stated rules' to adhere too, but with that, there are also hundreds of thousands' of deeper more underlining rules' that can justify actions' that would generally be classed as a by passing and or haram action and or forbidden action, that due to the circumstance of the situation, other rules' from the Qu'ran will be used, to establish and or out rule the forbidden acton under-taken at that time, and Allah is the all seer of the whole inner intention of the stated forbidden actions' at the time.

Therefore, those that haven't the time to be religious advisories and or readers', on subjects that may concern them, when it comes' to the more bigger harams', explain the situation to your local Imam and he will look at the whole picture of the circumstance and advise you the best course of action to take, in the appropriated situation, and not every time, that haram action, due to circumstance will be disqualified.

Maybe because of other issues' that might lead to even bigger consequences of huger and or wider Social and or family harams', but even in the worst of situations', a Muslim can always' up hold part of their belief system, even if it is as small as looking away, avoiding hand contact of female company and or just being reserved in nature, as then you are being known as reserved in nature and or a quite personality, if family rules are too strong to be evaded, in the given circumstance.....And when other circumstances arise, whereby you can carry your views' of belief system forward, then you do that at any given opportunity whereby you are not incurring a penalty upon yourself.

Until further notice of situation change.

This rule applies only when family ties are too strong and pt over-ride all your own identity and whereby you know that you will be subjected to propaganda and disputes' amongst your known unit.

Then in adulthood, when you are able to be independent, and or you wish to live the full Islamic life-style, you then decide to break away from your own family unit, at your own choice, in hope that your family will not break the ties' of family bonds', in your choice to practice your Islam correctly, or, to the best of your ability.... either way...both rulings are correct. Or to establish a bonding network of family understanding at a later point, when people are more mellow to the idea and or concept due to age and or other......

Or, if it is easier to mis-lay the truth about your religious practice due to circumstance and or other, under hardships of oppressions, because you have younger siblings to adhere too, look after, and or teach.........then this is to, and or also ...allowed.

If after, you have resided with your family for years' and they know you to be a good and selfless character, then you turn to them with the teachings of the Qu'ran and or even approach them with the basic of identities, they can see clearly for themselves the straight path of clarity, if they then decide to turn away, even as young as the age of eight, after knowing you as a good personality, then you have already given them insight to a path otherwise then corruptions', and there after it becomes their choice to read and or not....this is not enforcement rather this is showing by action......thereafter, they should be able to identify and compare lifestyles even with the minimum of contact and or the lightest of callings'.

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