Saturday 7 May 2011

I know this is concerning all religious identities', and other.

The Crystallised caves' that reside in the depths of the earths crust, whereby the scientists' have found a shaft and or cealed entrance...very small in size and diameter. They know it, to be hundreds of years old, and have no clue to where it leads to, and or how the people of that time managed to get down to those depths and levels of density, inside the earth,itself, without injury and or harm to themselves, seen that there was not any kind of advancing sciences in degrees of those kind of temperatures and other resources of work, recorded to date, that can be verified, as to what now extensively exists today, to be able to obtain such high earthly depths' and density's'.

The Muslim community believe it to be the hidden shaft to the Gog and May-Gog people, that have been banished from the interactive earthly skills' or communications and other communal sharing, as all other internationalists are doing and or trying to participate in, in one way and or another, with the advancing of language ties' and skills', thus, Allah has, under a punishment of enforcements', that would see to Gog and May-Gogs', capture and restraint from the rest of the world. They must have been the worst of the worst, to be restraint and kept out side and hidden from all other people, even the worst of the worst people, to reside in the earth, here to date. And we not talking about how they look, rather their evildoers', in this residing earth, much worse then any of these co-existing ties of criminality's to you think America is bad, do you?

In the Qu' ran it has been recorded that these people are highly dangerous and will continue to exilate every living person that they come across in the world....even the strongest of believers will refrain from them and take to the highest points of hills' in hide aways' avoid the curse and or wreath of these very small-extremely-strong and nothing, that already exists in the world to state.

The shaft and path, that resides in the caves of the crystalites represents the very structure of these individuals'.....

In that, the scientists are also digging and taking samples from the very foundations of these important crystals', that are a miracle in themselves', the balance of the earth and the environment, Allah has installed them there for a reason... and if there is a slight shift in any balance of scheme of chemistry inside these effective and structural and factual crystalites, who knows what consequences we will ALL incur, could be?, on top of that, they continue to investigate the shaft and path, and are engineering a means to develop a resource that will ultimately penetrate this active point.

This shaft was made, and placed there by other nations of people, that resided in the earth at the time, how? we don't know, because the advances were very minimal, however, they managed to find a, if an enclosure was made, it was made for a deliberated purpose.

And what lays beneath, I wouldn't wish to even go there, and or know.

Complaints to the science trust and partitions to further and or stop this exploration and examinations of sample takings, must be done and done now....

Otherwise we will all face the consequences of their stupidity in actions'.

Oh, its not true , is it?

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