Unreasonable Judgement
And a unfair trialing of disclosure and facts' that were otherwise nobody Else's' business apart from my own, and my families'.
If there was any cause for concern in and around my own family, in regards' to the enforcement of altercations' and facts, as so to force me into a unfair confession, of what was nobodies business, is in its' self a breech of the law, subject to invasion of privacy, especially if the act of watching and taking note on every action that I do, without asking me first, is an indescent exposure claim of unfair advantage, given that the whole subject of alliance was a one sided affair, thus anything that I did in my own home was subjected to viewing without notification. Thus this is an extreme abuse of privacy laws, how very dare you.
When events' of certain abuse took place when I was a very young girl, nobody said that they knew, rather they took the law into their own hands' and subjected me to more extreme unfair protection, whereby the alliance became the abuses', well thank you very much.
Did you take me to one side, and say that you knew? No you didnt, whereby I would have probabily opened up into a tearful state and exposed the whole events' of altercation in youth.
As for now, I am happy with my family and there is no cause for concern and I am old enough and responsible enough to take care of myself and my family without any further pressure from a manpulative allience foundation.
But any facts' taken, in regards' to deen and or events' of a religous nature for historical purposes' is welcome.
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