Monday 7 June 2010

In the early eighties when new legislation was introduced in regards' to the new disciplinary measures' that were imposed on schools' in reference to a new reformation, regarding the light chastisement of children, many very well and established teachers' were caught up in the change over of policies', and thus subsequently lost their Jobs', without even the chance to ease the change over with a progressive measure, rather teachers' across the board were thrown into a whole range of new rules', without any interactive training to coincide with this dramatic change over of affairs'.

As the years' have gone by, it has been made apparent that any change over of circumstance regarding rules' and regulations' have to be approached with training methods' of first introductionery schemes', thus, any disqualified teachers' that were subsequently revoke for chastising children in the early years' of ruling change-over, should be reinstated with immediate effect, after attending referral courses' and new established training, to keep in code with current practise.

But as for teachers' being revoke for lack of understanding the benefits of new policy, this bullying from higher powered governors', has to be re-addressed and these teachers' who were struck off due to the change-over should be reinstated and compensated for the miss-conduction's' and miss-construed introductions' of policies' that were quite frankly not in keeping with a gradual change over plan, to establish the new rules' that were applied in those years'.

It is a well known fact that change-over policies always' make better progress with a slow graduation of new reformation, and any lost time and or chastisement that was applied during the sudden change of effect is the sole responsibility of the lack of co-operation of the governing bodies, who failed and turned a blind eye at the teachers' requests' for more time to effetely work with the new policies of no smacking scheme.

And anyhow, this policy failed loads of children across the board with a progressive insolence of behaviour that quite frankly was followed up with crime rate and other statistics', with immediate instating with such a code of conduction. So you tell me, who got it wrong , and why wasn't the teachers' protests' heard, in light of the systemic changes in rules'.

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