Saturday 19 June 2010

Abu Hamzana

Cleric or Hit-Man

As a young hot blooded Muslim, it wasn't long before Abu Hamzana found him-self on the British Coast-with student immigration at an all time high, it was the fashion to study abroad.

After a few years' here, and the norm for most immigrants', who dared to, marry for documentation-permanent residence was established.

Being Egypt born and working to support his internal family aboard, who most likely needed the extra support, because without money, life is very barren in hot dessert lands', it wasn't long before his insight to European-costumes' grow.

However this didn't deter him from exploring the night life and learning about our culture, and how we live. And I think it was the norm for most Muslim men to venture out of their comfort zone to establish a deeper understanding of life experiences'.

Having had a child- and a three year marriage, the cultural differences' gave way to a separation, and Abu Hamzana-was finally divorced. It was rumoured by his divorced wife that he had an affair, but being brought up in an Islamic land, it is not un-common for men to date women on the pro-mise of a second and or selective marriage. Thus with the early introduction of Islam and the choice of wife, maybe she failed to understand the secondary culture of Abu Hamzana- her husband. (I reserve the right to my own external opinion, without the conquest of litigation being brought forward.)

With growing understanding, and deeper thought about how life was organised in Britain, he thought long and hard before going aboard to help extradite war mines' from the 'X', war ground left from the invasion of outside forces' dating-back to previous historical-events', and attacks' that were completely wiped out of all news' barring attitudes' and media addressments'. This is where the plight for Abu Hamzana's character of conduction began. Abu Hamzana, having lost one arm and a eye, wasn't branded a hero, rather the media-who had at that time, links' with internal Zionist state ministrations'.

If, for example: You and or I, barring European and or British born, had ventured aboard in relation to find out war-mines' so that poor innocent farmers', children and or women, wouldn't get hurt, and we lost an eye and an arm, we would have been branded a hero.

However; being the early eighties' with racism at an all time high, it was the ideal opportunity, to brandish him with an incitement of name calling of high-status and internal-linked, ignorance.

Having seen; a more poorer life-style then his own, his own up-bringing' in Egypt, the guilt of the abandoned poverty in afghan struck-up heart felt guilt, not being able to link himself in with the appropriate media resources', it was an impossible task to explain the outrage and extant of hardship and way of life out there.

After the brandishing of incitements' of a heated hate campaign against a relief aid worker- The Cleric- Abu Hamzana, having been ridden with guilt at his high-life and comfortable living standards' in England, went and travelled to Bosnia to strike up a media campaign-to make people aware of the war plight and massacre that was taking place there.

It was with this link that the Media branded him with a title- that wasn't in keeping with his natural nature of peace activism.

Witnessing the onslaught of thousands' of Bosnian Serbs', and the attitude of the inter Zionist media, it wasn't long before, Abu Hamzana stated to despise them on the grands' of their selfish plight to radicalise him, for his appearance, and his outwardly large physique made him a prime target for instigation.

It is here, that we can clearly see the Zionist linked media, had instigated rumoured brandishing and insults', at a very young and impressionable man, who had just returned from witnessing a almost- holocausts of murdering'-of innocence of Muslim life in Bosnia.

Having seen the savageness of media plight, and the mercilessness' of coverage over his appearance, it was with this that an interest into the history of Islam became a past time. With little knowledge of the legality of British law, Abu Hamzana, went on his own mission to enlighten people to the external force of the internal linked Zionist capitalism; of mind over-power of media exploitations' in society in- regards to and around the Muslim world; using their wealthy gains' to support Israelis-Zionists' (Not Hebrews') to propagate a murderous campaign against -poverty stricken nations', such as Palestine.

The laws'; however, rotated- and laws' that were over-wise never used -and or was lain dormant for possibly a hundred years', started to appear- as a weapon to strike up another; yet this time more, lethal instigation claims' against; then established teacher of Islamic studies' Abu Hamzana '.

It is after many years' of wordily travel and experience with press related issusings' of racism from internal linked revenues', it is no wonder he got caught up in a plight to establish truth about; the internal sources' of Zionist capitalism's' and bias campaigns' of racism and murdering' across the board.

It is not however, always' without appropriate speech of methods', to strike up the right wordings', at times' of deliberate provoking of the Zionist Media links' that were sitting amongst the innocent congregations', deliberately inciting questions' that would provoke him into extreme answering' that were an taken out of contexts' and exploited in a mass hate campaign against him.

However, if they had remained for the course of the following weeks' they would have found the many other branches of study would have ultimately counteracted his statement from those particular sittings'.

However most of the spies' lacked the patience to sustain the correct weeks' of courses' that were set on the topics' of Zionism, and thus his who principle of teachings' were taken out of context and times'of passion were exploited , portraying him at his most vulnerable in aggressive appearance. Thus encouraged more rage in
retaliation of statement.

He is infact-innocent of hate campaigning and rather- the charges'; should be dropped with completed -uncontentious of accounts' as the media started the whole affair of conceptual hate over his established appearance of brandishing.

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