Saturday 19 June 2010

Passion Preaching

Or with etiquette's' of higher powers'

Hate Preaching

Attila's Press Coverage

It is of cause for concern that, our teachers' are pin pointed by media attention- of what was provocative instigation, by inappropriate probes' of under cover press media, who sort after a quick pressured-means' of associated preaching, by ways' to ordain a prison term. It is of my opinion that he is subject to a compensation payout, because the payment of the undercover probe-incited Attila into an unintentional; by means' of not paying attention, agreement to a flimsy statement, of what landed him a lengthy term inside.

It is with inadequate evidence, of a small " Umm ", of depressive agreement-of what sounded like, he wasn't even paying pure attention to the instigator of an undercover siege, that he was sentenced to a six year prison term.

Attila-was in-part; a travelling congragater, WHO prayed at various locations' across London, with friends' vast and wide, teachers' quickly be-friended him, and he was asked by invitation to join talks', across the board. Having been fresh in the religion, he was sitted in and beside various controversial teachers', and because of his size and large appearance, he was a prime target for spottage amongst the crowds', for press related media who have connections' with the Zionist-state who reside in Israel.

We are not saying that he wasn't among the sittings', rather we are saying that he was invited to many talks' across the board.

And he was amongst many congragators' who were also invited to talks'.

He has been witnessed as having a temper - but due to other issues' relating to past incidence in his youth, it is with gradual rehabilitation of a good strong family life and children based home that he will over come any disturbances' from his childhood.

He supports' his family-as much as he can; when he is allowed to resides' with them.

The prison term-has had a dramatic effect on his-part-wife and children, and the pressure has induced various stress related disorders', in her appearance, such as hair loss and weight loss. Not only that, but she has been subjected to, interference from a range of allocated under cover police network and systemic under cover press media who have constantly invaded her privacy with home and school related intrusions'.

It has been implemented-for him to spend more time in a hostel//imprisonment- accommodations', where drug affiliations', rapists' and piedos', are in residance. He is a family man, or a man who is trying to hold onto the last threads'; of his unit, should not be subjected to any more imprisonments', of what is putting his family in jeopardy, as the piedo- connections run inside holdings' of systemic security from hostel holdings' and people who are subjected to staying in them as well.

His children are at risk of being subjected to catchments' of affiliations' of such organised crimes', by his stayment in the unit and should be returned to reside as a part-lodger with his separated partner-wife with immediate release.

With payment of family benefit to her, and a small of amount of job seekers' to sustain his well-care until further notice of family change of circumstance, as he hasn't any other place to reside, and no alternative.

It is obvious from the departure and pressure of his case; that they are officially separated. Thus any further investigation will result in more state led pressures' whereby-his partner-wife might be subjected to a brake down-whereby more compensation could be issued to her as a means' of mis-appropriation of the case.

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