Tuesday 22 June 2010

How Very Dare They

This is a disgraceful move by government, who have decided to cut benefits' across the board for hard working single mum's and or families', WHO part time share in the deployment of tax credits' and back to work schemes', with the new improvements that they made recently, why is there a apparent need to cut the so desperately needed funds' for the unemployed and those working class and or otherwise, who are at present finding it almost impossible to find any kind of job that will sustain them financially with the current situation derived from the position of the economy.

People were feared that the first move towards' a part time share scheme, would disturb and upset the original system. The first move was however; beneficial and families' are now adjusting to a comfortable standards',to the new schemes' imposed a few years' ago.

This is unacceptable to keep changing the policies'; for parents' and or single mum's and or single dads' who have to ultimately struggle to keep themselves' afloat in times' of extreme hardship.

I mean; it is a ridicules idea to suggest that if the government are in debt because of the unlawful war deficit, that the people who can not and or who are unemployed because of personal circumstance, work themselves' out of a dire situation that was made apparent by the illegality of war.

It is only fair to suggest that the government sort after compensation from American ties', for misleading Britain into a bias war campaign against, for a one men search, that ultimately destroyed thousands' of peoples' lives'. America should be helping to subsidise the campaign, for the betterment of the afghan people, and the economical monetary funds' of Britain shouldn't be over sort after for such affairs' of American stigmatisation's' of the Taliban stronghold, who was leading afghan with a good standard of Sharia, and who were not involved IN a one man's mission to deploy an army of attack against America's 9//11 situated buildings' of economical stronghold of wealth accumulations'.

Rather;(P) it was and has been witnessed by the strong military deployment of European forces' that afghan is nothing more then poor farm land, and the people are nothing more then poor farmers' on the majority of the out skirted lands'.

It is not fair that America-has pushed Britain into a onslaughts war, where-by now, the single and or families' who have no choice to remain at home, have to ultimately subsidise the war campaign.

Rather; if Britain wishes to save money they need to have a troop withdrawal, and lessen the number of deployed troops' out there. Most troops' are rather deployed to retirement of wall enclosures', whereby they then subside into dormant led operations', of sleep and exercise, and rotate, the deployments' of watch schemes' in the towns' or on the farms', where they find nothing more then a few separatist
campaigners' who have lesser understandings' without media and or education of schooling, to understand why there is a military operation in afghan anyhow.

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