Monday 7 June 2010

Reconstructing the holy site of Mecca to create a film, that is just sacrilegious towards one of the most holiest, if not the holiest of pilgrimages' across the worlds' frontier of religions'.

If they wished to create a documentary; of the holy site, they should have asked for our most famous of photos' and film clips' to put it together. But to take a unique house of worship, the like of what hasn't been seen before, in relation to size and authenticity, apart from the Holy Musjid at the Auqsa site of what was the first place of authentic worship and if you study the historical and architecture you will find that it is the most in resemblance to the musjid that resides' in mecca.

However, it is not for anyone else to take a Holy Site and reconstruct it on the grounds' to produce a film. To exploit it under the main cause of making money of what will have no benefit, rather it will inflame those who have less understanding of the European concept of religious unified bodies', and it might strike up animosity and freedom fighting, it would be better of you do not release it, on the grounds' that people who do not understand European concept of unity and unified bonding under the banner of all welcome, might react hastily towards such a production.

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