Friday 18 March 2011

You claim that there are no comparisons to be made between, this set forwarding invasion, to Iraq, but I can see clear comparisons'.

1. That if you persist in your forwarding advances', you will plan to host the shia occupation as in Iraq.

2. That you are planning a siege and an unprecedented attack on all Libyan civilians', in another murderous campaign.

3. That you will be hosting your own interests in oil for nothing, as seen in Iraq.

4. That you are being relentless in your approach to enslave all known Libyans under your invasion to pursue the oil campaign of priceless wealth at the expense of all Arab people, women, men, children and babies' with sex, child sex and exploitation for free, with high corruptions, there will be, undeniable war atrocities'.

Thus we have again, been fair in our deal ship with our own people, and have avoided unnecessary mass killings', though you persist in your campaign to call for more and on a vaster scale, then in our approaches'.

It is an illegality, of human rights, and you are hosting a atrocity in itself.

Than can be avoided by our own approaches of conduction's in relation to how we are coping in the dealing with this illegal up-rising of violent protesters that have seen to mass violence, and forwarding hostage situations of the Libyan government and powers of control.

The people have no right to instigate a murder ploy to topple our existing and corresponding government of fair deals and other.

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