Thursday 31 March 2011


It is a form of blood money and compensation.

If you go to work, because you you think that the money taken from benefit allowance if Haram, then the house payment schemes, the car insurance and all other payments of taxation's are thereafter haram.

Why are they haram?

House payments 23 years ago, used to be, for a two up and two down, terrace house, £4000 pounds'.

In the agreements between the workers, Housing firm lenders and housing market representatives in the buying and selling trades', the taxation has risen out of control.

A two up and two down would and is being paid for at the price of £250,000 pound.


Thereafter, because of these taxes', other lower income people can not get out of poor housing.

In that, I would say, that because of the rise in taxes' on workers', and the disruptions that it causes to their family structure, destroying whole units, Muslim and non Muslim alike, whereby families break down because of the pressure associated with the high price inflation's', whereby children are effected and sometimes commit suicides and other extreme,e actions of drug abuses' and or even prostitution's' because of the sociological impact that these implementations of extreme tax have on families'....

Therefore, we say, that in the Qu'ran it states, a life for a life, blood money compensations' and insurances of replacements would be seen as, more Halal in the scale of things'.

Then we would state that the government make certificates so hard to obtain, that lower income families finds it impossible to come out of the class divide.

And that if more apprenticeships were offered to young women from the class divide, in school placements, without certifications, that certifications', are given during training on site, more women and men would opt to come out of the system funding.

There is a problem of illiteracy's amongst the lower class and or cultural peoples', with the extreme certifications of employment requirements' makes it almost impossible for anyone to get anywhere.

So if you ask me, if benefits are halal, I would state yes, it is better then agreeing to high flying taxation's that cause more social decays' and other destroying factors of family breakdowns' and more.

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