Monday 22 November 2010

Tear 1 : General-Visa


Is based on the grounds' that the applicants wishing to obtain a standard-entry to the UK must firstly-come with skills' of -HIGHER-EDUCATIONAL-DEGREES' - of abilities'.

Points to abolish

1a. A national-diploma of work-based-skills', such as carpentry, electrics', construction with referenced CV of company-contracts' in relation to amounts of years and experience.

1b. The reason is logical-if We as an international-country of equities' are about to host the Largest-Olympic -Games'; to be documented in known-British-History, then special allowances of work in progress-visas'; should be able to be granted on the grounds' of work-based-abilities of well established and earned and documented-careers' of each individual -personal -standards within the contractors-world of labour-export and industry.

1c. It is without-doubt that not every country falls' into the higher-regulatory-educations' of standard committee; as effective standards of progression of Britain in terms of literacy's'- and education , but have strong-associated -links' within the world of trade-building and contracts', with valid and strong-references' to uphold creditability's'.

1.d If the appropriate persons of character can produce effective profs of work references of established contracts, there is no reason why the government can not abolish such schemes' as the General-Visa : Otherwise known as the HIGHER BASED EDUCATIONAL STANDARD VISA. By striking out the credentials' of credible-workers-the government are solely targeting-teachers -hospital-staff and other, who are numerating in their current thousands, who are effetely unemployed in status of effect.

Points-Based Visa

The government haven't yet identified the reasons for the increase in the points' based visa, by a margin of 5%. The standard 95 points'; identifies all the valid reasons' why people need to obtain entry to the UK on a points based regulation.

By implementing an entry 5% on point-accreditation's, the governing-bodies' will effectively be cutting off a desperate plight of people in dire conditions of visa entry to the UK.

If the Government wish to go ahead with a 5% increase of a pointing system, of what has some benefits in control-ments of migrants, then a special entry form for very special and unique circumstances' has to be drawn-up alongside the con-current-plans of an increase in valuable point of entry. This will cover the less fortunate who may not be able to meet the final 2% markage on the point scoring system.

All current visa holders should be enlightened to their legal-rights of entitlements to exchange visa entries from one tier group to another due to unforeseen circumstance of what would put them into a category of obtainment: Rights to such listings-should be posted via all legal representatives' in correspondence with their clients'. This will evade future up-set and or confusions in relations to the visa-holders current position of legal-rights.

TIER 2-Work-Visa

The proposals for such sponsorships' of company-sectors', and self industries' of certifications of obtaining work-visa through this kind of policy, will open the door to stigmatisation and racial preference. On this note; the government should have a part-take in contracting and relocating people for job-descriptions under legal requirements and references'.

The prospects of fraud in this area of a private-sector -campaign, will exploit self-race and miss-management in favour of supporting own racial identities'. At equally the same time, racial grouping of unity will be enhanced and a cohesion of unity implemented.

There has to be a special-sector of government officials' from immigration in response to applications of obtainment in industries to deal with the flow of passage of workers'. This will put a stop to mis-managements, with a private sector of different identities of people managing the applications'.


The British request to stop applicants who can not speak English and or write English is an absolute disgrace to the united-kingdom of diplomacy in relation to advancements in knowledge of culture and race identities'.

On an equal level of racial preference in work associational placements'; it fails to come under the same statistical gatherings as cultural-marriages'; whereby a UK citizen of ie: Bangladesh origin, is inclined to take an impoverished-male and or female counterpart out of stricken poverty, to enhance a better-life-style of condition.

Again; the government are failing to see past their own front-doors' in relation to other social needs of immigrants', looking for permanent visa entries' of requirements'. And that the located visas' from such groups should come with a special binding to an educational programme to learn standard english for future reffernce, intial standard ability to be employed.

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