Thursday 18 November 2010

New time-table for schools'

What is this ?

The class-room -doors' closed at 9.00, O'clock prompt.

This is another proposal by the government who have children based in boarding schools', who don't have to be concerned about getting their children into the classroom on time, or have personal-driver to cater for their everyday needs, in regards to their children. They have no and or little experience in this matter; where We as the general population, can enlighten them on a few facts' about the psychology of children, having grounded-worked-based experience of hardship from the very word, go.

On average; every house-hold with children numbering of different ages' , have days where their children will be reluctant to cooperate in either getting dressed, eating breakfast, not washing their teeth in a orderly fashion, we are not a military base here. We are everyday mothers' who are faced with everyday problems' in regards to our children's' abilities to cooperate.

The ten minute settlement programme, established in schools', has up until now, proven successful, in light of the rush hour boost that happens' at the beginning of the day, in regards to the home-life-regime.

The fact of the matter is; that the children need time to re-settle, when entering the classroom, and they have to take a few minutes' to gain composure from a on the move system, that promotes energy and exercise.

Children can not go from a hypo-active situation to a straight conduction of school-work, within a one minute entrance into a class-room-environment.

Targeting lates by a one-two minute incitement; that will see a drop in rate success of punctuality, thus causing further problems' for social-workers' who will be sent out on un-necessary errands to households who run a normality scheme of negotiation.

Aiming for a target of established 9.00 start without compromise, will encourage parents to smack their children in frustration of non-cooperating tactics'.

Their will be a sudden rise in, minor abuse, stemming from a systematic-system of unfair compromise from the school board.

We are not disputing-smacking, rather we are disputing an increase of, of what we are all aiming to move further away from, with the occasional-tap, here and there.

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