Wednesday 17 November 2010

Mr Bilal Ahmad

Statement of account

1. Gathering information; to act as a councilor and or solicitor on behalf of and in relation to an earlier incident; whereby a strike was made on; by an un-named person, whose intention was to cause physical bodily harm; with intent to injure and or target a minor-high-status-profile.

2. There is no conclusive-solid-evidence that Mr Bilal-Ahmad's sole purpose, was to use the information from various log-in sites', whereby all computers' store information in relation to its history-memory.

3. The factual accounts of computer memory, can be distorted when looked upon from an outside influence of inspection/ true of false....true.

4. The mere fact that the offence of injury-with intent to harm, was in and broad casted in the news, would push an inclination of curiosity in regards to propaganda techniques' exploited by the media press...true or false....true, in relation to evidence and statistical gatherings'...true.

5. Example; when weight and other issues' are discussed in and on media out-letting -resources', there is a sudden burst of hits in relation to websites' in association with such media coverage, and an immediate reaction to magazine exploits', true or false....true.

6. No set determined evidence can produce a sentence whereby the evidence is inconclusive to a crime that hasn't and or wasn't going to be committed under the false impression of a stored-history-memory of a computer that can distort an image of a persons character and or persona of identity, and that minor Inquisitions of such media exploits' are a very common occurrence, in association with press coverage, especially amongst young adults and youth.

7. There was no crime committed

8. There is no prof to suggest with solid ground evidence that a crime was going to be committed, with a linked network of other personal.

9. Mr Bilal-Ahmad's actions were entirely for recreational-purposes' of interest, and was infact a harmless-home-inquiry after an exploitation of the media express associations in relation to a previous crime committed, it is not uncommon and rather it is highly common to have in relation to statistical accounts' a high number of hits in relation to and after media coverage of events and or issues' relating to intense and or other topics'.

10. Acquittal, highly-likely.

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