Tuesday 30 November 2010

Keep your light usage and heat admissions down for as long as possible, wrap up warm inside your homes', and switch all related heat items off. Keep your car lights on dim if in usage, try not to use your cars only if you have to.

Students stay at home for as long as possible, even if it means that you may have to re-sit the year.

Hold a grand protest at the end of the year-nearing the June period.


1. Start making your designs posters' now. Your collective thoughts', your routes of protest and your place-building targets'

1a protest spraying of one building as much as you can, and external graphic spray can project

1b target banks, with wall paper and pulp and spray to relate your message of fee exploitation, are you slaves to education, work and huge house price rises', car insurance and then family maintenance, I think not, can you read!

1c Target buildings' for climbing and hanging huge protest banners' on display for press coverage.

2. Collect hippie clothing, or make them yourself.

We will, we will not pay

3. Ware head bands', and have a double march in light of warism

as for now, we will use the snow to halt work and inland revenue collecting. There will be a loss in monetary funding on a mass scale, for as long as the snow and you and us hold out.

I hope y-our project goes well.

Take the plunge-


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