Monday 14 November 2011

It is a high security risk to further employ guards from the American force, because of the track record association of abuses' set out amongst their fields' of departments' in relation to the attacking of Afghanistan.

The British force has managed high risk associations of riots, and have increased in skills' of advisory tactics'.

As a British Continent, we have millions of business visits year in and year out, we are a highly self-maintained country that is diplomatic and versed in high crowd controls with years of experiences' that have been disciplined with concurrent changing world affairs.

unlike the American force, that has a criminal enterprise working within its own unit, we can not take that risk.

However, I believe that our force, is highly skilled to manage any barriers that may arrive. we have our own bomb squad units', boarder controls service that is possibly one of the best in the world, in relation to, and not forgetting that the sterling is one of the strongest currencies in the world, why would we need a control service from America who have been versed in abuses' that have been witnessed world-wide, to allow to discredit something that we have worked hard for in relation to diplomatic ties' and world relations of international standard'.

In that, we welcome visitors' from America, as part of the tourism and athletic associations, and even then we are taking a risk in allowing the cross over due to their reputation and world credits'.

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