Wednesday 5 October 2011

To appeal and reverse the decision taken in the early eighties to impose a regulatory school uniform on children attending primary state schools':

Fact 1. The position to implement state school uniform, in primary schools', was solely taken on the bases of and because of bullying-racial-issues', that were arising in and or around playground-times', at that point in statical-fact-finding-period in history.

Fact 2. By knowledge of national-recorded-statistics', there hasn't been any drop in the amount of bullying experienced in and or around playtime-activities', infact there is little benefit in uniforming the children, the order of criminality in all due respects has been a constant complaint by all parents working and or non-working in relation to the theft of schooling - jumpers' and other replacement uniforms that are being stolen on a regular bases'.

Fact 3. As state schools' are un-compulsory, and most children who experience bullying come from ethnic backgrounds' of Hindu statues', where their parents are highly employed by self motivating skills' of business-shop-ties', their children are already at a very good advantage, in that they can learn all the business skills to necessitate factoring the family businesses, if they dislike any discrimination tactics', they have the choice to home educate or even afford private and very good home tuition's on the income they obtain form such shop keeping's'. These ethnic people, are highly skilled English speakers' who have high business ties' in the confectionery establishments', they have huge families whereby they can if they so wish, home educate in this area too, allowing other more less fortunate children to move forward in and around the business and or academic arena.

Fact 4. As the schools' are again, a non-compulsory activity, though highly recommended, there seems little point in imposing a uniform at such a early age of development.

Fact 5. In true standing order of psychology, whereby statistical facts again, can be brought forward to prove that such uniform can have consequences on reflective memory statues', whereby children are less likely to be unique in personality, in combined joint reflective memory modes'. This can have devastating effects on their personalities', causing personality disorders' of extreme multiple effects'.

Fact 6. Children need to be allowed to develop making choices of independences', whereby they can choose their unique style of clothing to match their own style of personalities from a youthful age.....developing skills in unique identifications'.

Fact 7. This will also improve social skills', shopping skills', communication skills', travelling skills', and marketing skills', bonding skills with other family members', easing the children pressure from the confinements of house related issues', giving them enthusiasms to attend school , bright, happy and cheery.......energetic in attitude, and eager to get to school on time, in bouts of periodic' when shopping sprees have been established, there will be more physical activity at play-times', thus leading to and motivating-children using this psychological-technique, along with the re-implementing of national state schools', unregulated-own clothes' deployments for those of us who choose to opt out of school uniform, and that school uniform, in state schools', should only be an option for those willing to participate in the ordering of a private venture in this area, if they so wish to, for other reasons of.........not to state, as there could be vasts amounts of reasons why people would opt in, and would still bring a good amount of income in anyway.

Fact 8. For children who experience bullying, there are very good school back-up services that catch the children who are venerable in society, they are the people who liaison with other services to ensure protective programmings for these children caught up in stigmatisation's', but the standard report is that most children or 99.9% of children will experience some kind of informal bullying at one point or another in the time that they attend school, and that, it just so happens that some people are pick out for targeting, again targeting has been proven to full in all social networks' of and from any ethnic and or multiple community racial harmony on any particular child, no matter what race, creed and or background they appear to have come from....

Parents' all across the board are complaining about the primary school uniform implementations' of compulsory standards', and have stated it is damaging and has damaging effects' on their children's personalities'.

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