Tuesday 25 October 2011

Saif Al Islam

Stated that, the war crimes tribunal are being unjust, the reason for this, is that:

1. The people brought about for war crimes in places like Bosnia and other countries of war torn natures', were not brought about until they, meaning the criminal men who butchered thousands and hundreds of Muslims', until they were and or are very sick elderly men, who can barely walk let alone speak, and this is justice.

2. That the statements issued previous was a fair statement of accounts explaining all and everything in clear details' and that we will be bringing NATO to account, and seeking insurance claims' all under international rights of the court house and justice system. And that all of these countries were ridden with same effective problems of on-slaughter by nato and natoing commanders who were in comprehensive talks and negotiations with Bosnia at that time, and they chose to over look the manslaughter..........

3. In the eighties when they were versed in diplomacy's for such an outbreak.

Again, its just an accuse for massacring the muslims'.

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