Saturday 22 October 2011

The request of Qaddafi's Family, is that he be granted religious sensitivities', to be returned to makkah, for a swift burial, anywhere that is accommodating for this request.

This is the request, for the death that he suffered at the hands of the unruly youth, who have no idea about the lifestyle and diplomacy's of the west, and the ties' of the unification's' of religious compromises' in out-reaching, in a quest to call people to the deen of Allah, and show and have a good balance between country people and other nationalities' that didn't and or have any basic knowledge in deen matters', that is the most hardest objective to control when being of sovereignty linage, and that, in fact he died martyrdom, showing the youth their errors of their ways', and that, they, the youth, have never been to the west, never learned world politics', or even to read and or learn other fractional schools of thought, and that as a reining sovereignty, Qaddafi covered It all, in his quest to hold firm to a land, in relative peace, with minor outbreaks of civil wars that are not uncommon in any land where there is cultural difference, Ireland being a prime example, Bosnia being another.

Addressed to the Saudi family as a request from former leader and family member, Saif Al Islam and others', with many gratitudes' and many thank-yous'.

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