Sunday 23 October 2011

Dictionary breakdown of:

Playground terminologies dating from the eighties':

Commonly used amongst children, at that particular time period in history:

Usually referred to as, harmless childhood jibbing, on a general-basic-level of, and understood as, by the general public, and agreed upon through, dictionary literal understandings', as follows:

1. You've got flies'

Usual meaning in adult terms, you have or are ridden with lice.

2. Fatty-fatty-Bum-bum

Usual meaning in adult terms, you have a big bum.

3. The plum twins'

Usual meaning a set of twins that appeared slightly over-weight and or obese.

Playground rhymes':

Dictionary breakdown:

As stated in historical terms of usage for a particular time in history:

Theres' a brown girl in the ring tra, la, la ,la ,la and etc.

Here comes the ginger bread man: All usually harmless, when used in childhood and young adults who haven't reached their full potential of understanding etiquette's', and most usually are and more often then not, are over looked and people thereafter move on to.....unless there is money involved and then it becomes an issue......but common-usage and mass particpations of such word usages', always wins the day, in the courts of laws./

Etc etc.

From these stem other jibs' that all children and very young adults', on a common level of understanding, participate in.

Some terminologies' appropriate for a time slot, may have been more acceptable at a particular time in history, and that with the passage of time and change, these common assaulting rhymes that were perpetrated in aggressive writings and deliberated by adults', thereafter and then translated by childhood play activities' of structural fun time, who had little and or no understanding of the value of such terminologies', have taken time to fade out, over the course of change.

Some ethnic black people still like to hear the value of such poetic historical writing to stay in tune wit their slave days'.......and that inn monitored surroundings of educating youth and children from reception age, should be harmless in effective educate surroundings', this is up for debate and authorisations from parent and teachers to agree for school that opt for such.....

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