Tuesday 11 October 2011

It is absurd to state, that it you diet, you lose your hair, there are thousands of people who diet and or are naturally thin that dont experience any forms of hair loss, infact their hair grows, in some cases', at accelerated rates'. Thinner women have just the same amount of chances to get pregnant as any other normal sized woman, and that, it is more harder infact for bigger women to obtain pregnancies due to the accelerated hormone growth of male stimulus.

Gel can damage hair, if not used in the correct measurements', hairspray can damage hair, again, if not used in correct measurements', dyes' can damage hair again if not used in correct measurements', bad haircuts', and or poor hair dressers can also damage hair on a permanent bases', if they are not trained properly, giving the ends bad or poor air quality.

Yes, we have hair loss all the time, as men and or women, and that during some stages of our life, like pregnancy and or just after pregnancy, we might experience some forms of other more extreme and or minor extreme hair loss, due to hormonal changes in our bodies'.

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