Friday 17 December 2010

Julian Assange

Extradition charges

With the solicitor statement of profile accounts', there should be absolutely, by aberrant standards of international demands' to extradite Mr Assange, no standing reasons why America, should, after these appalling allegations of non substantial evidences' of complete crap in relation to rape against a well established character of standing nobility writings', would be asking and issuing such bazaar requests' of a formal extradition in regards to a ploy of spying. If Mr Assange, was a spy, he would be far from working as an out spoken activist and documented writings' of publications', of civilians' rights to know, what other peoples' opinions are, to stay in constant censorship, keeping the general people in ignorance of the realities' of example: The realities' of war conflicts and such.

Thus, in his work he is a known activist of enlightenment, of what is far from a undisclosed spy.

Under work standards agency and other descriptive nobility writings' that have been issued during awards of celebrity status' and well known academy values', and on the promise that no previous request of such charges' in relation to this has been issued and or demanded before, we will be reserving the rights' to Mr Assanges' freedom, within and will not be extraditing him, as there has been no other formal complaints in all the history of his work career, in relation to the issuing demands' at present.

We have no further cause for concern, nor do we feel that he is either a danger to himself or the public.....

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