Friday 31 December 2010

I will need the whole capital of LONDON on board for this.....

We will not be investing in a extreme high carbon fireworks' display....we will be concentrating on a small elegant fireworks display, sweet, short and elegant.

We will need all capital residence to attend the fill the gaps'...and make the celebrations look more extravagant then thought....

The money saved from this venture will go on to more important work standards in the hosting of the Olympics'...we need the monetary reserves'.....even the display fireworks that are not used over the following years can be used at the Olympics in a grand hosting of welcome tourism's'...

As for Sydney, I cant believe that during major floods whereby residence need hospitality's' across the board, of blankets and other dry materials'....steaming into the thousands'...they went ahead to pay for a five million Pound, high carbon fireworks arrogant is that.

At least with the Olympics', we will be helping all international communities' out of poverty, with immigration employments and other British employments, that have links' to other poverty family needs in all addressing areas', and other less fortunate countries'.....Have a nice low key celebration....with a turn out of population from the capital, to increase the look and persona of the idea of a wealth display...for what is a display without popular attendance....

Sky will over see the people and have small viewings of photographic intervals of the small display......
We have other concerns' high carbons' add missions'...poverty and other social aspects to think about first,m ore pressing issues to address, then a show of high attitude of wealth display...we are wealthy, we already know it....and so do all the other lands'....its a pointless wealth display...

we can pay for attendance......

Low key....with an output of populations gatherings'...should do the Job.

All boarding sublets to England to take the same opportunity to reserve fundings for better investment schemes' in relation to the Olympics' this will bring us back in line with tourism's'....establishing well founded businesses', etc etc etc etc........

It is either being economical and reinvesting in good solid investment schemes' or wasting money that we dont have to spare right now..and also, increasing pollution and other.

Do you wish to work or not.....for your own reference.......

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