Wednesday 29 December 2010

Gay rights on adoption and or other....fertility..and or..segregate-mothering, etc etc

How to impose a ban.....


Adoption agencies'

Fostering and or other coinciding agencies', that allow such laws'

1. I need as many victims' as possible, that have been damaged by either, one hidden gay parent, who later destroys all family units by unwittingly pronouncing that He and or She is Gay, with substantial schooling records of changes in behaviours' of these effected children, and or any documentations that coincide with the sudden uprising of the Gay parent identity, I need a group of adults and children to come forward in a litigation against the rights of Gays to adopt and or other. With all conclusive evidences' to suggest that they are unreasonable in their awe to raise children, with their unreasonable intention to destroy what they had already established, living a complete lie from beginning to the end of their well founded relationship or a normal family unit.

With the destroying of eternal trusts and bonds for all future ties' in other relationships of natures' that could have quite easy been established with a normal break-up under pressure of normal family related issues'.

Children unable to form solid relationships with partners' when in adulthood due to the disturbances that the Gay parent had caused during childhood experiences'...that can and probably will never be repaired again.

Women effected by a partner who suddenly comes out as a Gay.....will effetely suffer the same traumatic experiences as ...having to go for Aids tests and putting their children through effetely the same tests at such young tender ages'....Thus is the Gay community really stable to host children under their care.

Aids testing that will have to be carried out every one and or another year.....for all family members involved in adoption cases'.....if this isn't protocol...then the social services are definitely out of touch with what happens in the under world of Gay communal life.

If it becomes protocol-then is it right for Gay parents to subject Innocent children to such violations of extreme testing that could lead to eventual death associated illness.

The if it is made protocol, does that mean that all children are at further risk of death associated infections from such laws of allowances under the Gay community.....of certainty....

We will challenge.....the Children's' Services' under the courts of law to appose all gay coupling from the adoption services' and or the right to bring up children in a family unit due to all the evidences brought forward by people who have suffered from extensive damages by the ill-psychology of their Suddenly gay partners and or other...related issues that will be seen to arise in the disclosure that we will be seeking from all the individuals that Will come forward with factual evidences to suggest that Gays are most unsuitable to host the care of children.......

And if Gays are allowed to adopt then it most definitely should be made protocol.....

1.a. I need all evidences of past histories' of conclusive standards of records, that are either being held by social services' and or police institutions', released under law, to establish a profile of evidences that can be submitted in the court of law, with photographic evidences and or of other alternate abuses' suffered by Gay-Parenting'.

1.b. I need as many psychiatrist reports on individuals that have been effected by Gay Soliciting and or Gay under age rapes', and all other associations with the Gay communities', whereby the individual has been raised amongst them, and has later suffered extreme anguish and other anxieties' in relation to their raising's'.

I need a media operative that will establish a web page of protests with all emails of entries and established evidences to arrive their......and or by post once established as a registered web page.

Run this web name

We await to hear your response and all evidence put forward so that we can challenge this outrageous and unreasonable laws of children who are at risk associations of infection and psychological damages'.

The evidence will be damaging....I need children and or adults that have fallen to infections of Aids and or other homosexual disease that have been carried through sex and or blood to, under the pretence of Gay partners, to come forward, with their factual evidences', as well as all other entries whereby relationships haven't be able to be formed due to this disruptions of disloyalty's'.....and anything and whatever you can rise in protest to this ill-law that will see children at a continued risk of Aids infections and or at a later date.......subject to prostitution's that are unrecorded and or highly likely in such circles of highly explicate sex industries and such.....Whereby the Right look of a child can fetch millions in other pedophile semicircles'...and it is known ...through church media and evidences that pedophiles run high in such communities of Gay ships.....AT RISK, AT RISK, AT RISK.....!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up people....We look forward to all entries'.....

As for myself, i will not be visiting this web page for reasons' of self protection.....And will suffer from long term amnesia in regards to this...but hope that I am successful in my plight to put an end to this once and for all.

Lesbian units'...,.hold the same effective records of pedophile associations and other that have been documented under church and or other effective evidences brought forward from church circles, whereby they have used religion to exploit the sex industry with children for sale.....

So simply, if it happened under the care of lesbian women in the church on a vast numbered scale.......then children will be for sale and or under risk of other secret circles of sex industries', under the care of lesbians in adoption an or other....

Please activate now.

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