Sunday 19 September 2010

And who is it that Tony resembles'...?

Lets' ask; what Elizabeth the first done, did she not trade in Islamic goods' and relations', did she refuse to marry, was it claimed that she gave birth in secret and that a door was opened from the back top release her children, into the custody of the endearment of her people.

And that; all the time the ministers were conspiring.........

And that Henry the eighth was played... and does six wives ring any bells', it doesn't for the Christian religion but how about the Islamic religion of accordance.. and there was a big up roar in the house, for the change of religion.....and the ministers' conspired and took matters into their own hands and treason came about into the land.

This is the land of the land of Mohammed's' ceal, lets ask the thief who the monarchy are? the minister who conspired to war monger in the Muslim lands', with who ?

Another treasonery treasure of migration, and where did they migrate from?

Does connections' with the catholic faith ring any bells'?

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