Saturday 18 September 2010

And that in regards to the Jackson statement, the evidence is strong to suggest that the company that he was keeping, was sheltering him and controlling all movements' and activities' and that they themselves' knew exactly what they were doing when they were directing and producing Micheal's group visits and or advising him and or televising him with publicity stunts' to suggest and or otherwise insinuate other...... and that because he was sheltered, reality of perception became distorted and what might have seen innocent to him, could be quite easily manipulated by the producers' in the film industry with years of suggested experience to push on unfounded allegations' and host deliberate miss-takes' of cutting material that shouldn't have been aired due to miss- and or accidental body language that any other producer would have removed and that accidental body language happens quite frequently in the film industry and that the producers aired certain footage to indite and insinuate illegitimate claims' against a personality who hosted Charity events and was seen with figures' of peoples' endearments', and that the producers done this by a deliberate altercation to throw him out of the lime light and bring him down.

And that-we wish for all entertainers to be present at the Olympics' including simply red.

Can you follow my advices' please.

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