Saturday 25 September 2010


Being born and raised in Pakistan, arrived on American soil for the sole purpose of a better future of education and other material benefactors' for herself and her family aboard.

Coming from a middle class family, Aafia was one of those children who had a chance to obtain and achieve a future of education that would bring her and her family respect of achievement in their land and help the poorer families' via Charity aid operating in and around her initial area of community up-bringing'.

After receiving the chance to relocate at an advanced level of education and degree literature, she moved to the United States to focus on her studies and earn an income to sustain her family in a creditable middle status of material wealth, as her parents were ageing and pension schemes' for cleaners and other workers of household artillery's would not be plausible for age concerns' of higher space purchase and environment of finery.

There for; Aafia had no alternative and with a privileged back ground she took the appropriate steps' top make arrangements to leave her core foundations' and study abroad , not having any prior knowledge of affairs' of interim natures', she headed straight for her own success and an insurance of parental coverage., as this is usually the case in such lands that have dispositions' of economical circumstance and has now become a late arrival of tradition.

Having arrived for study, with CV advancements and commercial promotion of what was the best subjects to study, with the arrival of advertisement of the best job opportunities in America, she found her field in the sciences', of what was highly sort after, thereafter, in the years that Mrs Aafia Khan was progressing, she found further fields' of study that became her high light of enthusiasm.

Where she laid to rest in a work field of appropriation of scientific affairs of literature and work based related research.

During that period of time; Aafia, after supporting her family and charities of circumstance through family ties' in her own land, that was helping benefactor the poor, her interests of aid and humanitarian projects became a past time of interest.

Aafia; being of research orientated, started to discover and or uncover the plight of poverty and scale of the world-wider situation in regards to the bigger picture, after being sheltered in her own town conscripts and surrounding area of community since she had been a small child, she k=now found herself with people that enlightened her to other world causes' of desperation.

During her years of a side teacher of introductions to Islam, while studying, she was an explanatory and unique in her career line at that particular time of residence in American schools' of education and research and she was one of a kind in her field of research. It was a time when war was pronounced in Bosnia and having been raised with orphans aafia knew that circumstances wouldn't be good for children left behind over the land and framing issues of disputes that had arisen in Bosnia.

She started to raise money and send gift aids' of income to orphanages' that were recognised by international standards of support and was helping the children of war, with a small sum of money on occasions of affordability of economical circumstance.

When the initial attack of 9/11 occurred, being in a research field of education and science, with other arrivals' of acoustical affairs in regards to chemical warfare, Aafia knew from touching on history programmatic televised viewings', that her line of work and her position of education and line of work could be targeted by authorities' who had other racial and or prejudices' hiding in the mists' of racism and other interim networks' of affiliations'.

She decided and was advised to relocate to her home land as a precaution of influence from her own Pakistani community and whispers on the horizon of sieges against any Muslim and or Muslim communities that resided and or who were residing and or living on American soil.

A relocation was for her own protection of circumstance, knowing that she and her family would be possible targets for such propaganda campaigns', the intensity grow and the atmosphere was growing in her work place and home environment of community in her local area of residence in America, she decided to move back to Pakistan, a move she didn't expect; that would see her having a more serious allegation of effect against her character in future deployments of agents based in Pakistan and other surrounding interim forces ' of alliances in her own land.

Suspicion grow against her; and her family, the Pakistan government growing more and increasingly concerned that Aafia was working as a spy in their homeland.

They arrested her without question and detained her in prison without any conviction of prior indictments against her character of substance, and she was classed and detained as a spy on traitorous effects of disposition and circumstance of studying, when in fact she had only initiated a job in America to support her family and parentage in their old age, of what is highly sort after and has become a tradition of effect of circumstance of economy and other-and that this custom is not uncommon amongst the middle classes' in Pakistan.

Where they continued to detain her without evidential facts and configurations against her character.

This would conclude why a photographic image of Aafia was produced in line with circumstance of suspicions' and integration of arrest was issued, due to this disposition that she had found herself in, of illegitimate circumstance, of career disposition of affairs that she would be thrown into disarray on both sides' of the water and accused of undermining and associations'' of higher powers' of fractional fighters' in lands that were in reality out, of her reach of connections', in associations of her background community ties', of segregation and small township of community bonding, that from years' of traditions, had disassociation's of links' with other towns and people, due to community services' of locations' and space of community ties' in small townships'. And towns' with wealth tend to spread Charity through organisations' of banking systems' of verified Charity names' and associations', rather then risk stalker and poverty driven people to crimes' committed against households who wish to invest in betterment of lifestyle for them.

Everything is done in line with the law of system in the community of small townships' rather then other associated means' that could result in other troubles mof affairs in regards to crime.

With the arrest; under her disposition of career title, and residence of relocated identity, the Pakistani authorities' thought that Aafia might have been plotting and or replotting with US Confederates, that they, as the Pakistani authorities, were aware of as a interim ministrations' of the goings' on in their land with the connective forces' of outside countries and their involvements with corruption and col plans' of trickery. She posed; even though she had nothing and or no associations' with any fractional services' be them with the American authorities' and or fractional militants, a direct threat to them because of her unfortunate disposition of employment.

After being held, and redefined as a kidnapping of circumstance, she was later handed directly over to the American FBI agency whereby they didn't except her lightly during a frenzy reaction from the media and effective reporting by the tabloids.

From there; they, the us, deployed her to bagram, whereby they had complete control over her without any assistance and or cries' for help to lawyers that could possibly enlighten her situation and get her out of the unfortunate oppressive circumstances' due to her employment, out of an illegal campaign of imprisonment.

During her time in Bagram, she was manipulated and abused to the utmost degree, whereby, as soon as she found herself an opportunity to get out and escape or saw a vision of opportunity to get a deployment back to the us where she could seek lawyer assistance, she took the advancements to attack with weapons' that shouldn't have been openly exposed to her in the first place.

On her arrival back to the us, she was, again targeted by the justice of law who unwittingly proposed that she be silenced and then lost her rights to her side of the facts due to the action that had happened during her stay and detention in bagram.

The circumstance that drove her to such an action, was by means' of temporary insanity, where she was pressured to and then lost control over her actions', due to a incitement of a instigation, for her to lash out and produce a reaction that would indite her a criminal sentence because these lads' knew well, that they were holding her illegally without charge of conspiracy.

On the incitement of provocation, Aafia lashed out and lost control due to a stance of temporary insanity after all of the abuses' that she had been openly exposed to.

Here is a lady; who had been detained without contact with her family for three years in Pakistan and or more, lost one of her children, the where abouts of her last child is still not known.

The lack of communication to her immediate family, lawyer assistance's', abuses' both from Pakistan interim police networks' that are far from clean in regards to sanitation's and other appropriations of affairs', it is only fair to state that many other thousands of women would have reacted in the same fashion as Aafia.

We respect that the cause for concern in regards to the reaction of the services in America were due to their own interests of protective means' of associations'; , but we would like an immediate release to the British coast, with both family members from the states and the relocation of her family members in Pakistan, with a change of identity and assumed addresses' to protect them from further vindications' from both sides ' of the parties that feel the Aafia Khan family were involved in claims that are unfounded and have been proven to be unfounded with the defendant case put forward by a arrangement of private lawyer assistance that would have been otherwise denied if approached in another and or any other manner of assistance.

We are pleading for release using the temporary insanity clause, that will allow her to seek further lawyer assistance, whereby this statement of accounts for our and in regards to her defence, can be issued forward to the appropriate justices' of ministrations' that will over turn their decision and have her released on grounds' of miss-assumptions and altercations ;' of facts that have on substantial effects on the barrings of her character, ever recorded as so.

Rather she was an example to her community with a high status job and relocation into a land that was and still is highly sort after for residence of material benefactors of poverty and or class barring people who can afford to invest in a or who take a chance to migrate in unconventional mannerism's. And that with her evidence of character reference apart from media propaganda that we will rule out, as media can reproduce any fact of a matter and miswrite and or misappropriate information by suggestive writings', and unfounded allegations'.

And with this statement of accounts, should be enough to leaviate her from a tenmpoary insanity due to substantyial torure and abuses' to the utmost of degree and a propogada campaign incited by a press media that is noterious for such vindications of mis-information, by deliberated incitements.

Mrs Aafia's acting lawyer of reinforcements of factual evidances' that need to be put forward in regards to the human rights of appeal act and the international convention acts of associations, human rights.

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