Monday 8 August 2011

We do need to have a series of mass national strikes across the board, for as long as it takes', so that the government have no choice but to reduce student fees', unnecessary mass taxes', and other higher purchase schemes' that are leaving mass millions of people broken homed and or blacklisted from vital employments and or other.

This is just the first drastic steps to reform, they just cant keep stealing from slave labour hoods'.....

The unemployed, and the employed have to use both critical vices' to move this fat government back to basic reductions'....

One pint of milk use to cost £0.35 we are looking at £0.55 pence if we are lucky to get a pint of milk for that price now.

the taxes have to go back to go right back to basics', to start the opportunities and economical growth system again....

The black community are not stupid, though shy to talk, they have high concerns about the Olympics coming here, running through the suggestions' that, white supremacy's and connective communities of clan members' are in pillage of this shemes, Germany being ranked as one of the supremest supports of white elitism's'.....

We know that the ventures of such a scheme are very beneficial, and will create loads of job opportunities', we also have to look at the concerns of the people in relation to this high racism elitism's that do exist, its not that because we are going to have a joint venture of business outlettings and other high tourism's' that such clan members and or other highly organised institutions of secret societies will go away.

So we have to keep it cold outside....if they increase the heating bill, we have to reduce and or switch off our gas, wrap up warm, mind you don't develop arthritis. If they tighten up, we tighten up...if they tighten up more, we do the same.

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